Welcoming Back the International Competition to
Enhance your Focus, Learning, and Memory Skills

- Preparation for Our 2024 Events,
We're Actively Seeking Sponsorship and Partnerships -

Our Official Partner

We are delighted to announce that this year marks the
10th anniversary of IngatanGajah!

Mind Sport or Memory Sport are  type of mental sport where participants compete to demonstrate exceptional memory skills and techniques. The primary objective of memory sport is to memorize and recall a vast amount of information accurately within a given time limit. In memory competitions, participants are typically presented with various tasks and challenges that test their memory capacity and abilities. Some common events in memory sport competitions include: Memorizing decks of playing cards; Memorizing random numbers; Memorizing lists of words

Result Of Asia Open Memory Championship (AOMC) 2024

Result of 5th Indonesia Open Memory Championship (IOMC) 2024

Liputan Media AOMC 2024


5th IOMC Gallery

AOMC Gallery 2024

16th Indonesia Friendly Memory Championship (IFMC) Gallery

Challenge Yourself to Practice and Compete!!!

Take on the challenge to practice and compete! Select your preferred competition and seize the valuable opportunity to achieve greatness. Join us in celebrating IngatanGajah’s 10-year educational journey.

"The Race for Boosting Your Brain"

"The Shortcut to A Stronger Memory"

"The Race for Boosting Your Brain"

"The Battle of Brains : Improve Your Focus"

"The Battle of Brains : Improve Your Focus"

10 memory Disciplines

GAMA World Ranking

What Is The Purpose Of Holding Mind Sport Competitions 2023 event?

This event can help you improve

Child Brain Development

Memory for Learning

The speed of storing and understanding information

Concentration and mutual understanding

Congrats to The Winners!

16th Indonesia Friendly Memory Championship

IFMC Have Been Currated by Pusat Prestasi Nasional Kemendikbud RI

Why We Have to Join Competition?

Have You Experienced This?

Those problems above often occur in students nowadays. Lack of literacy is the first cause of the problem.

So how to solve it?

Join the Mind Sport Competitions 2023 event!

join us in Mind Sport Competitions 2025, if you are:

Kids Category

12 years old and lower

Teen Category

13 - 17 years old

Adult Category

18 - 59 years old

Senior Category

59 years old and older

What are the benefits of participating in
Mind Sport Competitions ?

Executive Function will boost the cognitive development of Indonesian student

The World Sports Memory Council acknowledges the event and is listed in worldwide rankings

The registration session includes pre-competition training/coaching clinic to improve learning strategies

This competition has been recommended by the Indonesian Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Kemendikbud RI)

Considering the event’s excellent aims and benefits and the undeniable value you’ll gain from participating, are you still hesitant about signing up?

No need to delay! Watch the videos

No need to delay!
Watch the videos

Indonesia Friendly Memory Championship 2017

World Memory Championship 2017

Indonesia Open Memory Championship 2018

Asia Open Memory Championship 2019

Gradshow 2018 & 2019

Gradshow 2022

Seize this opportunity!

Partner with us Today 

Mind Sport Competitions 2023
Telah Direkomendasikan Oleh Kemendikbud
No. 2587/J7.1/PN.00/2023

RECENT NEWS on media

Indonesia Raih Juara Umum Dalam Kompetisi Daya Ingat IOMC

Kompetisi yang berlangsung pada 28 Desember 2024 ini diselenggarakan oleh Indonesia Memory Sports Council (IMSC) dan IngatanGajah diikuti lebih dari 100 peserta dan 4 negara, yaitu Indonesia, Singapura, Filipina, dan Australia.
Hasil akhirnya menempatkan Indonesia di posisi teratas dalam kategori tim dengan perolehan poin 11,410, unggul dari Tim Singapura di peringkat kedua dengan perolehan total poin 9,619.

Pelajar Indonesia Cetak Rekor MURI Dunia Mengingat Kata Asing

Sebanyak 118 pelajar dari berbagai kota di Indonesia sukses mencetak Rekor MURI dengan mengingat total 13.090 kosakata dari 10 bahasa asing. Mereka berasal dari Jakarta, Medan, Bandung, Tangerang, Depok, Bekasi, Sukabumi, Karawang, hingga Batam.

Anak Indonesia Pecahkan Rekor Dunia Mengingat Wajah dan Nama di Ajang World Memory Championship (WMC) 2023

Janet Valencia Dema Rante, 21 tahun, berasal dari Depok berhasil mencatatkan sebagai orang Indonesia pertama yang berhasil meraih rekor dunia dalam mengingat wajah dan nama di ajang WMC 2023 di Sanya City, China. Rekor ini berhasil diraihnya setelah mampu mengingat 194 wajah dan nama dalam waktu 15 menit.

Indonesia Raih 2 Emas dan Best Organization Award di World Memory Championship 2023 China

Prestasi kembali ditorehkan anak bangsa untuk Indonesia. Terbaru, Indonesia berhasil juara di Asia Open Memory Championship (AOMC) 2023 di Manila, Filipina Oktober lalu, Tim Indonesia kembali berhasil meraih prestasi membanggakan di 32nd World Memory Championship (WMC) di Sanya City, China pada tanggal 8-10 Desember 2023.

Tim Indonesia Raih 32 Medali dan Juara 2 Overall di AOMC 2024

Tim Indonesia meraih 6 medali emas, 13 medali perak, dan 13 medali perunggu di ajang Asia Open Memory Championship (AOMC) 2024. Kejuaraan daya ingat yang berlangsung pada 28-29 September 2024 di Singapore Polytechnic Graduates’ Guild, Singapura, ini, membawa Tim Merah Putih sebagai Juara 2 Overall Country Champion dengan total skor 10.604 poin.

2 Pelajar Indonesia Raih Gelar Grandmaster of Memory di Ajang Kompetisi Daya Ingat Internasional

INDONESIA berhasil menyabet dua gelar Grandmaster of Memory dari ajang kejuaraan daya ingat se-Asia yaitu, Asia Open Memory Championship (AOMC) 2023 di De Lasalle University, Filipina pada 28-29 Oktober 2023.

Raih 10 Emas, 10 Perak, dan 8 Perunggu, Indonesia Raih Juara di Asia Memory Championship 2023

Tim Olimpiade Memory Sports Indonesia menjadi juara di kompetisi daya ingat Internasional dengan meraih 2 gelar Grandmaster of Memory yang dicapai melalui Aulia Nadia (Pelajar dari Tangerang Selatan) dan Hasna Widyaningrum (Pelajar dari Pasuruan, Jawa Timur).

Tim Indonesia Raih Juara 2 di Asia Memory Championship 2023, Congrats!

Tim Olimpiade Memory Sports Indonesia berhasil menjuarai kompetisi daya ingat Internasional, Asia Open Memory Championship (AOMC) 2023. dengan meraih 4 emas, 10 perak, dan 8 perunggu.

Timnas Memory Sports Target 27 Medali dan Top 3 di AOMC 2023

Tim Memory Sports Indonesia menargetkan 27 medali dan posisi top 3 overall dalam kompetisi adu kekuatan daya ingat tingkat Asia atau Asia Open Memory Championship (AOMC) 2023 yang berlangsung pekan depan di Filipina.

RI Juara ke-2 Ajang 4th Indonesia Open Memory Championship 2022

Hasil akhir 4th Indonesia Open Memory Championship 2022: Jepang juara umum, Indonesia berhasil meraih posisi ke-2.

IMSC Kembali Gelar Indonesia Friendly Memory Championship ke-15

Berikut ini sejumlah rekor memori fantastis dari capaian daya ingat tinggi para Juara IOMC 2022.

Rekor Memori Fantastis dari Ingatan Tajam para Juara IOMC 2022

Berikut ini sejumlah rekor memori fantastis dari capaian daya ingat tinggi para Juara IOMC 2022.

Mengasah Kemampuan & Daya Ingat Otak Lewat Memory Sports

Melatih kemampuan daya ingat dan kapasitas otak lewat Memory Sports.

Menilik Cerita dari Pemenang Juara 1 dan 2 Kompetisi IFMC 2023

Jepang juara umum kompetisi memory sports 2022 di Indonesia, apa saja rahasianya?

Dua Pelajar RI Raih Gelar Grandmaster of Memory di AOMC 2023

Dua gelar Grandmaster of Memory tersebut diraih oleh Hasna Widyaningrum, pelajar asal SMA Negeri 1 Pandaan, Pasuruan, Jawa Timur dan Aulia Nadia Azzahra dari SMAN 2 Tangerang Selatan, Banten.

Let's see the fun of memory sports around the world (Global)

Previous years' Mind Sport Competitions gallery

Memory Marathon



Memory Marathon



Don't waste this opportunity!!

Prove Yourself

Upcoming International Competition

MEMORIAD 2024, Dubai
6-10 November 2024

World Memory Champıonshıp 2024
Turki, 4 - 8 December 2024

Indonesia Memory Sport Council

All in One Education Service

Indonesia Memory Sports Council (IMSC) was established in 2014. This institution has competent human resources in teaching and training the public in enhancing memory and concentration. Through participating in various international memory sports competitions held in more than 11 nations around the world, this institution successfully achieved 7 MURI Records, 3 World Records, 9 Grandmaster Memory, and hundreds of medals in the field of memory.

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